Monday, November 13, 2006

The Story Teller

Story Telling was a regular event in American Indian (and other) cultures. The children would gather around and listen as the old folks sang songs and told stories as they had heard them when they were young. So it was that the tribal histories and folktales, religion and customs were passed on from one generation to the next. Grey Wolf Runs With Elk and Willow Woman say the stories were, and are, life itself. Figurines like this one I bought last summer in Nebraska, a woman (usually) surrounded by children were common as early as 400 AD.

I am The Storyteller in my tribe.


silverlight said...

I have this piece . And I think it is just wonderful.
When I was growing up, when got together people still swapped bits of gossip, stories. And yarns miles long. Wish kids could have such an experience.

k said...

Yes. I could have guessed that it would be you.

Joyce Ellen Davis said...

Well, I may not be the only Storyteller in the Tribe...I've heard lots of great stories!...but I think I'm the only one writing them down....

Pam said...

When our family gets together, storytelling is a big part of our conversation. The kids love it and will carry our tales with them.

mareymercy said...

I think every family has a storyteller. It doesn't surprise me to hear you are yours.

AscenderRisesAbove said...

now there is a handfull and a half!

Anonymous said...

These two images come together as one don't they. Beautiful. It goes on and on. All one, the same. Human beings.

falwyn said...

I love this, the two pictures... it's great.