Wednesday, November 22, 2006


Thanks to Brianna, in Mrs. Gursky's First Grade Class.




Joyce Ellen Davis said...

That the family circle remains unbroken. For time. For joy. For the Internet, and the Hubble telescope.

Tammy Brierly said...

I'm thankful for your support and friendship! He is too cute!!!!
Happy Thanksgiving!

Joyce Ellen Davis said...

Thanks, tammy--ditto. And more: hot showers; cold, clean water; my pillows; birds; apples; stars; dreaming, and waking up...too many things!

Anonymous said...

I am thankful for every day that I wake up and get another day. I am thankful for a daughter who gives me so much joy simply by existing. I am thankful for my senses all being in tact. I am thankful for it all. Everything. Every minute.

Anonymous said...

I wrote my thanks on my blog, but wanted to say that I love the drawing, well done, and that that baby is, as Tammy said, too cute.

Pris said...

This is wonderful! I'm thankful for friends who have stayed the path, a comfortable home, enough food in the fridge, my books and my much more.

Anonymous said...

I too am thankful for a safe place to sleep, for tears and smiles. For glances and moments. For friends and stangers. And for Dishwashers.

k said...

For life and for love, for my Walter, for moths and flowers, for my new scooter, for having a house and a car. For every day I wake up again. Even for hurricanes.