Friday, November 17, 2006

Noodles & The Unholy Ghost

For Dana: See, I told you so. This is a real snapshot, nothing retouched. I didn't see anything in the camera--it was not until the film was developed that the "ghost" showed up. But Noodles obviously sees something. Notice the potato-like nose thingy protruding in both photos!


In the botton photo it looks sort of like a cartoon of Bill Clinton.


silverlight said...

Now that is funky. Had you been watching 'The Ghost Whisperer' on TV?
There is something there or the dog wouldn't be growling.

Anonymous said...

Let's hope it's a friendly ghost...although your dog doesn't seem to think so.

Bill Clinton...LOL

Anonymous said...

Caspers little girlfriend was wendy! maybe I just sent good old casper over for a visit.....spooky..

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking the dog with fangs in the background of the bottome picture is the scariest thing. I had a few pictures taken of me years ago and there was always this black form over my left shoulder. I kept them separate and finally went to a psychic (yes)to have him look at them. Once I heard his words I knew who/what it was and it hasn't shown up since. I guess I needed to know.

k said...

This is really, really weird. The look on the dog's face!!!

turquoise cro said...

Phew! It looks like Nixon to me!!! Poor Noodles!