Friday, January 20, 2006

Jane's Addiction

Pepek's, actually. I can't stop! I am addicted to Orion! And look here: Up in the top right corner there's a greenish bird, a sparrow, I think. Across from him, sits Orion, himself, or--my first thought--Poseidon. Or maybe, Moses, as Michaelangelo saw him in marble, seated and bearded. Maybe God Himself.

Cosmic clouds and stellar winds. The young and still-forming variable star LL Orionis produces a solar wind more powerful than our own sun's. As the fast stellar wind runs into slow moving gas, a shock front is formed, like the bow-waves of a boat moving through water.

(I think it's Poseidon. He carries a 3-pronged spear....)


slickdpdx said...

Amazing photos!

Joyce Ellen Davis said...

Can you see Poseidon--his head with long orange hair and beard, his spear there, in his left hand, his right arm is blue, his right hand wears a big shiney ring; he sits at rest, both legs stretched out, knees slightly bent....

Pixletwin said...

That is neat! I need a bit of tutoring on where the trident is tho'!