Tuesday, January 01, 2008


Do the Happy Dance! Some words of wisdom for 2008: Lord, fill my mouth with worthwhile stuff and nudge me when I've said enough and Never eat more than you can lift.

The first quote is from Charlie Shedd, and the second from Miss Piggy.

And one more from me (and Jacob): Wear whatever suits your fancy, and don't worry too much about what other folks might think. I think I'll go look for my coonskin cap....

Uncle Pepek




turquoise cro said...

HAPPY NEW YEAR SWEETS!!! Wish I knew where my kid's coonskin hats were! Probably the attic!!! tee hee! DANCE ON!!! I am!!! Love and prayers, Cinda ps. WOOT!WOOOOOOOOT!pss. can't get Flashdance's "She's a Maniac for Love!" out of my head today, I'm going to play the soundtrack to Flashdance later! Come dance with me Girly!!!tee hee

jillypoet said...

Happy new year, Pepek! I'm glad to know you and look forward to more blogging ventures alongside you this year!

desert rat said...

Happy New Year pepek! Hope it's a good one.


Joyce Ellen Davis said...

Cro, you should have at least one table you can dance on, right???

jilly, I look forward to this, too!

dr, back atcha.

January said...

Happy New Year, my dear! Wishing you lots of poetry in 2008.

Love the photos!

Jan said...

Wow! Now I know exactly what to do with all of my beautiful Christmas bags..and then there are all of the other seasonal ones, too! :)

I hope your New Year is wonderful Pepek!

Pam said...

Happy New Year, Joyce! I will do a happy dance in my chair to "In The Mood."

Kay Cooke said...

There is always so much joy in your posts Pepek - helped in great part by your grandkids - the darlings. Have a great year.

Unknown said...

Hey Lady,

Dropped by to see if the code for the LDSBlogs webring was on your page. It still isn't so I'm going to remove you from the queue. If you ever want to join us again, please repeat the process. We'd love to have you on board.