Sunday, February 04, 2007

Super Bowl Picks

Today's the day! Who's your pick? I don't really care. Today is good for the chips and dips, for the crackers and cheese, for the clam chowder, as far as I am concerned. For the million dollar commercials. I would rather watch the commercials than the football, truth be told. Superbowl Sunday has become a national holiday somewhat akin to, say, the 4th of July, or Labor Day. Me, I'm looking forward to the SNACKS, like my grandson! So, pass the chips, please....
(As if I am not fat enough already.)


Pam said...

Yup, snacks and adds. Boom-chac-a-lac-a!
Sweet picture!

Tammy Brierly said...

Blogger would not let me comment Sunday...argh! Rhys is too cute! No superbowl here...yeah!

k said...


I heard they were having some dumb thing down in Dade, messing up traffic left and right...




Kay Cooke said...

Just about every American blogger Iknow has mentioned Super Bowl! It's quite amusing ... and the commercials ... Love Rhys' expression!

angie said...

Being from Detroit, transplanted to Chicago, I think we're the only ones in the state that didn't care about the Superbowl! I went shopping and got lots of strange looks in the empty stores from clerks who would rather be elsewhere. :)

Adorable picture.

k said...

Miss Assassin, there's something just extraordinary in that baby's eyes.
