Saturday, February 02, 2008

WI: Do Unto Others

They buried my prophet today. When he was asked "How are you?" he'd reply, "Better than ever! And the best is yet to come!" The leader of one small country once claimed that Gordon Bitner Hinckley could "charm a donkey or a king," and attributed this gift to his love of people, and his great humility. I will miss his gentle ways and his quick wit. It's reported that when he learned Mitt was considering a run for the White House, he said, "If you decide to run and you win, it will be a great experience. If you run and lose it will also be a great experience!"

I will miss the twinkle in his eyes. I will miss seeing him throw kisses toward the crowds in China, and Africa, and in the Philippines. I'll miss his waving hello's and goodbye's with the cane he was supposed to walk with.

Someone in the Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kansas said they would all be out to picket at the funeral, calling President Hinckley a "fraudulent old fool." I don't know if they actually came or not. If they did, none of the news chanels reported it. WBC also says "God hates Hinckley ...and all Mormons without exception. All such go to Hell." I think these nuts are a very small fraction of evangelical Christian folks. I also would hope if they really came, that President Hinckley could've hit 'em over the head with his cane--but I'm positive he would have simply turned the other cheek.

But that's not saying I wouldn't have hit 'em over the head with MY cane (if I had one)! Here's the word from Bill Keller, host of a Florida TV program. It says: "this information has been given to you in love, and we can assure you that it is accurate and honest." Yeah, right.

And why in the world are they so obsessed with our "magical" underwear? Is anyone out there so obsessed with your underwear? I think not. My underwear is my business.

Well, then.--I'm off to spend eternity in Hell. But really, when the time comes, I'm taking my cane with me...and my magic underwear.



Tumblewords: said...

Laughing! Magical underwear and a lifetime in hell - maybe that's a good combination! Nice post, really nice!

Kay Cooke said...

A great riposte post ! You have got the right attitude towards narrow mindedness.

anthonynorth said...

One would have thought you'd need more than magical underwear to survive in Hell :-)

Constance Brewer said...

I think it all has something to do with South Park and the Underpants Gnomes... But I'm not sure. :)

Joyce Ellen Davis said...

tumblewords, chief, thank you.

anthony, that's exactly WHY I am taking my cane along as well!

constance, Underpants Gnomes? Really! Maybe...but I don't think so.

Jeques said...

An inspiring story of a man who has lived a full life. An example of how it is to really celebrate life, be remembered and become immortal. For immortality is achieved only by living a magnificent life and by leaving great memories that would survive a million lifetime. I also like the humor on the side. Great post.

I wish you well.

~ Jeques

k said...

Now what in the world is this underwear thing? I have never heard of such idiocy before!

I see some web surfing in my future.

Pauline said...

this made me chuckle!

would you be so kind as to email me at pclarke122 AT hotmail DOT com? Thanks

Joyce Ellen Davis said...

jeques, thank you for your comments. I appreciate those words!

k, hi there. Glad to see y0ou and up and running.

Pauline: Done!

rch said...

lmao, can you believe what some people actually well, believe? Great piece!

slickdpdx said...

Phelps leads a really small but fanatical congregation. They hate gays, Bush, and, it would appear, everybody else. They protest at military funerals as well.

Rob Kistner said...

Pepek -

Obviously a gentle care post paying tribute to someone you admired.

Pam said...

Ah, wouldn't I just love some magical underwear. Very nice post.

little wing writer said...

kindness goes a long way...

Marja said...

Nice tribute to a man who seems to know how to live.
Magical underwear? Never cam across that one

gautami tripathy said...

You made my day..tuesday magical. I loved this post.