Friday, October 05, 2007

We're Not From Around Here!

We were not born here! All this time we've believed the Milky Way galaxy was our home. All this time we've assumed that we're family.

We have wondered why we are not oriented to the galaxy's ecliptic, like everybody else, but hey, it's like having blue eyes when all the relatives are brown-eyed, right? Nothing but a pesky annoyance. Well, it turns out we're adopted.

You heard it right. Some scientists are saying we're adopted. The Milky Way is not our parent galaxy. We are from another galaxy entirely, one in the process of joining with the Milky Way-- being eaten alive, as it were. We actually belong to the
Sagittarius Dwarf galaxy. This explains why, according to Steven Majewski, head of a project called 2MASS (the Two Micro All Star Survey) going on at the U. Va. and the University of Massachusetts, the Milky Way is always sideways in the night sky! That odd angle shows our Sun (and us) are influenced by some other system, and for the last 2 billion years our real parent galaxy is slowly being consumed. We exist in a trail of debris surrounding the outer edges of the Milky Way.

Who knew? And, what d'you think?



Anonymous said...

I had to go read more about it - if this theory is correct then we are in for some dynamic changes. The article I read wasn't clear on timelines for energetic changes - or (more likely) I got lost in all the science vocabulary and missed it. It is kinda strange to feel like an alien newcomer!

Joyce Ellen Davis said...

Of course, I don't know how much of this is actually true. I am rather emotionally attached to the Milky Way. And the very idea that we come from some cannibalized Dwarf is kind of repugnant....

Deb said...

I love this kind of scientists are always in a bit of disagreement and the amazing things discovered and discussed. There are some who say the conclusions drawn aren't quite right ( but it is good to question and look deeper. Is it not?

Ginnie said...

I love the idea of being from a different galaxy. Let's send all the politicians and war mongers to the Milky Way and the rest of us take off for new horizons. It might give us a chance of regaining some dignity and the love of our fellow men/women.
PS: thanks for your comment on my blog and I'm enjoying yours.

Crafty Green Poet said...

If we're from a different galaxy that sort of explains a lot of things....