Friday, October 27, 2006


Meet Starfish and Bookworm. They are my two oldest grandchildren. My handsome Starfish is "five hurrahs" old. He says that his next birthday he will be "six hurrahs!" Starfish is a rough translation of his name, Japanese to English. He loves Superman, and this Halloweeen he will magically transform into the Man of Steel. He began kindergarten this fall, and he loves ham sandwitches--without the crust!

Bookworm, my most beautiful granddaughter, is ten-years-old, in the fifth grade, and she is a voracious reader! Books have become her favorite thing. The two of us used to have fabulous tea parties, and play imaginary games with mermaid dolls. Once we made our own puppet theater. Now she likes music CD'S and High School Musical. Isn't she growing into a lovely young lady? By the way, she also loves Blogging!



mareymercy said...

Aw. What cuties! Let's hope your granddaughter continues her love affair with reading throughout adolescence.

Pris said...

They're beautiful!! And one's already a blogger. Wow!

Mary Bee said...

What beautiful children. They are both very good looking. Good genetics behind them for sure. I can tell your are a proud Grandmother, and with good reason.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait...(well I can..I will, girls..hear that, Wait) for grandchildren! You certainly have a bumper crop growing...including that lil bity pea pod we saw last month...How he doin?

and books, well, books are a girls best friend!

Anonymous said...

It's so nice to be introduced to your family, Pepek, and from your words I can tell you are so proud of your grandchildren and love them very much. I have been gradually doing a similar thing, introducing our kids on flickr, though for me it's a very slow process since I want to make sure I do it "right." I should just do it, eh?

they are beautiful - those two youngsters. Nice to meet them!

Joyce Ellen Davis said...

Thanx, everybody. Yes, I think they're pretty fine. And maureen, I have been looking at yours! You have a great-looking family!

k said...

My goodness, they are LOVELY.

It takes a great deal to provoke in me any regret at not having such for my own.

This just did.

These are very beautiful and fine grandkids you got here, Miss Assassin.

And very lucky ones too, because they have a grandma who loves them so much.

Tammy Brierly said...

They are precious! Five year olds are so fun and 10yr old are like spring flowers.

Pam said...

Love pics of Starfish and Bookworm, cute as buttons. Aren't you happy that Bookworm loves to read? My granddaughters all read constantly and I'm so pleased.