Thursday, July 19, 2007

Coaxing the Muse

So. How do you coax the Muse? This is how I do it. Rob Kistner, at Image and Verse, has invited anyone who'd like to share to explain how they view the writing process, how they coax the Muse. I wrote a wonderful piece on his blog, which was trully insightful and lucid, but which for some reason would not post. Anyhow, a picture is worth a thousand words.


Anonymous said...

That's what I do too!

Crafty Green Poet said...

Excellent photo! I tried to leave a post over at Rob's too but it wouldn't post!

claireylove said...

and i thought she was just getting a permanent wave...

Catherine said...

What an amazing photo, where did you find it?

z-silverlight said...

This so funny. Yes, it sometimes feels that way. All antennae plugged in, hoping for a message.
(by the way, I have had perms that way. Only as a teener.)

Pam said...

OMG! Never mind the muse, I always thought you could probably reach outer space with those things!

The poem is perfect. I remember trying to recapture my dreams during the night, pen and paper at hand...never quite made it.

wendy said...

I want that picture for my blog ID..Priceless. You always always make me laugh.

I'll post to the topic today..just for fun.

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU...for just being you in Utah.

Tammy Brierly said...

LOL I look forward to the rest. :) What a hoot!


Kay Cooke said...

What a great question - I would spend my life trying to answer I think! (For a start do I even believe in a muse? Amuse-ing thought? Sorry ...)

Nienke Hinton said...

Pictures are a great way to do some freewriting and get the muse going! Will you post a link to your guest blog post when it's up?