Monday, December 11, 2006


... to be jolly!


Anonymous said...

Oh pepek theys just gorrrrjiss!

Anonymous said...

What beautiful children and great photos! Love the bubble beard.

desert rat said...

Everyone seems to be thoroughly enjoying the season! We'd put up a tree, but the cats would wreck it in a heartbeat; and unfortuately bars would not keep them out!

That Antikythera thing was really cool, btw.

Anonymous said...

I'm smiling so big. Thes last two pictures are such treasures, and isn't that angel in the snow amazing. No doubt what lil one is supported from behind huh? Cute cute.

Tammy Brierly said...

Those beard pictures take the cake! LOL Great shots my friend ;)

Nancy said...

Beautiful kids, tree, and snow angel.

I envy you the kids, and tree. You can keep the This here Texas gal likes her winters greeeen!

mareymercy said...

What childhood would be complete without bathtub pictures!