...and I should frame it and hang it on my wall: "Don't worry. Everything will be okay in the end. If it isn't okay, then it isn't the end."
DEDICATIONS, PLEDGES, COMMITMENTS. "For the past. For my own path. For surprises. For mistakes that worked so well. For tomorrow if I'm there. For the next real thing. Then for carrying it all through whatever is necessary. For following the little god who speaks only to me." ~ William Stafford
Those are good words to hold onto. Thanks for posting.
Good words of widom to live by! Are you on facebook too!
Well--hey, yeah! :)
Oh Yes. Amen to that.
Beautiful and so true, Joyce!xo
I'm not sure if I've asked earier, but how do you enjoy Joanne Shenandoah?
So true! HUGS
Joanne's got such a beautiful voice to accompany such beautiful words!
I absolutely LOVE this.
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